Hello there, my name is Erik. I am currently 32 years old and I've completed one part of my journey to become a professional writer. In the midst of crafting new worlds and interacting with (hopefully) interesting characters, I play games and read books on the side to spark my creativity. Cheers!
Current Residence: California
Favourite genre of music: Soft rock
Favourite style of art: Traditional, comic, manga, modern
Operating System: Windows 7
Favourite cartoon character: Danny Phantom, Invader Zim, Daffy Duck, Batman
Personal Quote: The unexamined life is one not worth living.
Thank you for another wonderful FAV ♥♥
Thank you for following me all these years and giving such great feedback on my pics.
I also love your work! 😍
It has been a pleasure! As much as I wish it was mine its just things I've gotten done for me by others. Still! Im glad my ideas resonant with you and that you enjoy them as much as you do. : )
Thank you ever so much for the sweet FAV♥
Thanks so much for the Watch!
Why not. Seems like a good time to see what else you post and interact with!
Thanks for the multiple Favs!