HollowWhitefurwolf on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whitefurwolf/art/Hollow-852602138Whitefurwolf

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Whitefurwolf's avatar




Hey guys Hi! just finished this piece off. I have been really wanting to draw another dragon (don't do them enough!) and I found a doodle of one lying around in one of my laptop files so I opened it up and actually finished it. I didn't plan for how this turned out, sort of a trial and error to see where the road would take me and I got to say I'm really pleased with the results. I won't go into detail on what the scene means so I'll leave that up to you to decide what is happening :)

Drawn using Clipstudio and Photoshop
Time taken: 3 days (not sure how many hours specifically)
Wacom cintiq 16

Please don't copyright or use without permission Thank you x
Have a nice day Wink/Razz 
Image size
4960x3507px 2.96 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Whitefurwolf
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RowanDoesThings's avatar

That is just so WOW!!! It's amazing <333

How do you not have 3,000,000,000 watchers at this point???!!??Llama Emoji-38 (Confused) [V2]