Dinosaurs at Wellington ArchWhippetWild on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/whippetwild/art/Dinosaurs-at-Wellington-Arch-572411840WhippetWild

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Dinosaurs at Wellington Arch



In my to do list for a while.]

Here we have Fern the ankylosaurus with her friend Terran the triceratops and Steph the Stegosaurus.
They are actually at the British one, not the French one. The French is a lot bigger but, built for the same reason.
British architect built the arch to represent the Seventh coalition's victories over the French Empire during the Napoleonic Wars, called the Hundred Days War or "War of the Seventh Coalition"

* Terran is like "Oh how is this pose?" 
* Steph is like "move a little back" hand up "stop, that is perfect"
* Fern "I thought this was bigger" thinking the British and French ones are similar size.
* Terran "Nope, they swapped size of the quadra on top".
* Fern "Quadra?" 
* Steph "He means the black statue on top of the four horse pulling the chariot.

Fern belongs to (c) :iconwhippetwild:
Teri and Sarge belongs to (c) :icontradt-production: and shared with myself.

French one: 164 ft tall, 148 ft wide, and 72 ft deep. Arc De Triumph
British one: unknown but, much smaller. Wellington Arch
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981x628px 1.39 MB
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