Sheepdog StoningWhat-the-Gaff on DeviantArt

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What-the-Gaff's avatar

Sheepdog Stoning



For awhile now, I've noticed that anthro art is very popular. I'm not much of an anthro guy myself, but I was a little when I was... well, when I was little, so I think I understand the appeal a bit. I've been meaning to do at least one anthro piece for my gallery, but when it finally hit me, this is what I came up with. Mind you, I'm not a stoner either, but as far as some of those big, floppy dogs are concerned, it's the best human trait I can think of to attribute to it.

Please don't hate me @_@
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592x867px 437.06 KB
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DaytonaBlue64Impala's avatar
As a stoner, I endorse this picture :XD: