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Hello everyone!

I am posting here to let you all know I have released a gallery for the Glitch Artist Collective on Behance!!! Exciting right?

I am going to be posting the pieces here on DeviantArt as well, and offering them up as prints. I hope some of you are interested, but it is fine if you just want to appreciate it in the digital sense!

I will be doing more things like this in the future, along with more photomanipulation. See you then!

You can view the gallery here: 

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Happy new year everybody!

Sorry I'm a few days late for that message, however it was for good reason. I've spent the last week cleaning up all of my commissions and working on the #DailyUI challenge on #Dribbble! It's very exciting and fun to do, and I suggest anyone interested in UI design give it a shot!

Now, moving into 2018 I plan on creating a lot more in general, and that for sure includes my digital artwork. I have a bit of a style going at the moment, but I haven't quite found my niche. I have to figure out what that is for me, and that will be a journey in and of itself. Hopefully by the time I find that thing that makes my work that much more special, it will be something more people enjoy.

Anyway, have a great time doing whatever it is you're doing, and I hope to have some stuff for you all to view again soon!

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Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted much here on DeviantArt in a hot minute. I am currently participating in the DailyUI Challenge, where I design daily UI pieces for 100 days, and that is keeping me fairly busy. It's a great thing to learn and I'm having a lot of fun doing so. I am for sure making a project on it for my Behance portfolio and Dribbble when my team gets it's next round of invitations, so keep an eye out for that! I know it's not what you usually would see from me, but it is definitely something I want to share with you guys!

That said, I hope you all had a great Holiday and that you are in good spirits. Have a great day!

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I'm looking to join a group here on DeviantArt for my digital artwork/art direction. Any recommendations?

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My artwork giveaway on Twitter is still getting a lot of attention! I think I will keep it running throughout the week, and make a gallery from most of it here and on my Behance profile when the week is done.

If you're interested you can enter here: twitter.com/WILLGBACK/status/9...

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Devious Journal Entry by wgbART, journal