Farewell to the Silhouetteswerol on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/werol/art/Farewell-to-the-Silhouettes-1093168733werol

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Farewell to the Silhouettes


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Farewell to the Silhouettes

As I stood on the edge of the Tuscan hills, the world around me seemed to hold its breath. The sun, a blazing orb of red, slowly dipped toward the horizon, painting the sky in hues of gold, crimson, and violet. The familiar silhouettes of the cypress trees stood tall against the fading light, their dark forms etched in the memory of this land, and now, in mine.

It was a moment of quiet reverence, a farewell of sorts - not just to the day but to the very essence of something deeper, something eternal. The dreamy cypress trees, those steadfast guardians of the hills, seemed to bow in humble acknowledgment as the sun bid them farewell. Their shadows stretched long, reaching out as if to hold on to the fleeting warmth of the day.

I watched in silence, my heart heavy yet at peace. The sun's descent felt like the closing of a chapter, a gentle reminder that all things, no matter how beautiful, must come to an end. But in that ending, there was also a promise - a promise of new beginnings, of dawns yet to come.

As the last sliver of the sun disappeared behind the hills, the sky dimmed, and the world was cast in twilight. The cypress silhouettes stood in quiet dignity, their farewell complete. And I, too, said my silent goodbye, knowing that this moment, this fleeting farewell to the silhouettes, would remain with me long after the sun had set.

© Michał Mierzejewski All rights reserved
more: https://michalmierzejewski.com

Tuscany, Italy

© Michał Mierzejewski

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Image size
854x1280px 227.6 KB
Canon EOS 7D
Shutter Speed
1/8 second
Focal Length
100 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 3, 2011, 5:36:22 PM
Sensor Size
© 2024 - 2025 werol
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BirdSmiles's avatar

This is awesome