Its first day in lifeWeirda-s-M-art on DeviantArt

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Its first day in life



-Look! It has hatched in my hands, like you
-I was also that small?
-Yes, maybe even smaller!
-Let's take it and show how beautiful is world! It's him first day in life!

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Yesssss! My Gligar has hatched in my Pokemon Black! :dummy:
It has hatched at beautiful route 13. When I imaginated this....this picture came into my head.
Also I drew my female Scrafty that was breeded for drain punch :3

I just wanted to drew it. Sometimes it can be really strong.

I tried a new technique of coloring hair. I drew them on paper, it was black and white and I used a specific method in Corel PhotoPaint 9 and....It's not bad :eyes:

Also please look at the water! after few minutes of searching, I found a method that I can in 3 clicks do that! :la:
traditional part:
automatic oencil HB
digital part:
Corel PhotoPaint 9

time spended at it:
three days, approux 9 hours(?)
Pokemon belongs to Nintendo Game Freak, Satoshi Tajiri
Art by Marta Kłeczek
Image size
2480x3444px 12.21 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Weirda-s-M-art
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LoD90's avatar
I love this so much! it's really awesome!