Main @@NamelessMewMew
This Account: WebMewMew <- Sodium--Oxide
22 | White | Transmasc Nonbinary [He/They] | Magz
just some nonbinary guy that likes making f2u webpage graphics [to use on deviantart, other social media or even your own websites!], trying to get myself into making blinkies, simple 3d graphics and so forth.
free feel to suggest blinkies or stamps or such you want me to make, just know I do this for fun so I might not always say yes to a request [just a disclaimer cause I'm paranoid, I''ll probably take most requests.]
Current list of blinkies/plans I am hoping to do soon (probably going to think of more ideas):
Just a whole lot of blinkies for all the other Pretty Cures
Neko Atsume Blinkie (and maybe a blinkie for each cat as well...)
Bocchi the Rock! Blinkies
Make "I'm on" Blinkies for other sites (Tumblr, Mastodon etc)
More Chronic Pain/Illness/Spoon Blinkies
Blinkies for the rest of the default Minecraft Skins
Poly DDLC Ship Blinkies
DDLC Plus Blinkie (Which I still need to play)
I love your blinkies!! Just asking, how do you make them? I'm planning on making some :3
Blinkie Basics
So blinkies come in many sizes but these measurements are considered the "standard size" [I have encountered this size the most as well.]
Width: 150 pixels
Height: 20 pixels
For my blinkies I create two frames for the border of the blinkie consisting of dots/shifted slightly from eachother: [I'm not sure if I am making sense so here are the raw border images.I use for my blinkies:
And said borders in gif form:
When I make a blinkie with more than 2 frames, I always make sure it is an even number so that the blinking of the border loops properly.
Feel free to use the raw images of the borders I use that I linked above, I just ask if you post any blinkies made with them that credit me and/or link back to my page.
How I make the images/frames of the Blinkie
Software I use:
Clip Studio Paint
I personally create the images in Clip Studio Paint but any art software that has a pixel brush/pen and layers will work.
Clip also has a built in textbox/text function so I type out the text on most of my blinkies rather than free hand it [other art software that has a textbox/text function that I can remember off the top of my head: MS Paint.]
Animating/Making images/frames into an gif
I export the whole blinkie as two frames/images and then use an site called to make them into a gif.
I go to their Gif Maker tab, upload the two images/frames under Upload Images and then once they are uploaded I go down to Delay Time and set it to 10. [Larger number makes it slower and smaller number makes it faster, 10 is just what I like using.]
Finally under Effects I tick the box that says: "don't stack frames", click the make a gif button then save the blinkie to my computer with Save Image.
I’m not the best at explaining things/making things make sense so let me know if I need to try to explain something again or if there is something I didn’t write here that you want to know.
Good luck on your blinkie making! :]
Thank you [I'm replying from my main account]. I don't really use this account because I thought people don't really use stamps anymore but ir seems like I was wrong about that. This account seems to get a decent amount of support so I think I'll try to make some more pride stuff plus some more mlp shipping/pride stuff soon.
hello <3 I see everything you do is gorgeous, and all your drawings are inspirational and eye-catching! They stood out strait away! I just came here to say, I am new to this site and am looking for some friends !! Hopefully we can be friends? *watches you* Have a great day/night ~