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anonymous's avatar
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MikuruChyuu's avatar
thank you for making me an admin :D
MindlessKitteh's avatar
Thank you for wanting to help out! <3
freacls's avatar
Hi can anyone please help me as its driving me mad now ..after seeing the latest Halloween episode of SP and seeing Kenny in his costume ( he looked adorable) I was really shocked to see how short Kennys hair was and I could see his ears I'm. Shure it used to be a bit longer with his ears coverd has the creators of SP given little Kenny a haircut
MindlessKitteh's avatar
I just compared the picture of Kenny unhooded from the movie to the picture from A Nightmare on Facetime. It looks like the length is the same. I think the reason you see his ears in the most recent episode is because he is wearing a mask with the string going behind his ears. That's my interpretation.
freacls's avatar
Maybe but I thought it looked shorter Also I looked at photos of unhooded Kenny from the SP movie the back of his hair and lil Crime stoppers and though he has short hair it's hanging down his neck a bit and blonder and last night it looked if it been cropped in at the back and a darker shade of blond yet I think the style of the boys has changed a little over the years but my friend thinks that Kenny had tucked his hair behind his ears so it wouldn't get caught in the elastic of his mask but if he has had a haircut or not he's still adorable
freacls's avatar
Aww thank you so so much for accepting me into thise awesome group * hugs*