Utopiawaveystar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/waveystar/art/Utopia-787884983waveystar

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waveystar's avatar




An utopian perfection...
I saw a picture of that ruin and was fascinated - I really wanted to see it. It seemed so perfect and beautiful because it was broken. Built in 1417 and burnt down 1575, it is still there. Standing strong, 600 years later. Still amazing. Despite, or perhaps just because of that history.
We often tend to seek complete perfection in our lives, choices and surroundings. But isn't our past, including the imperfections - fails, unwise decisions, wounds, scars - what that make us unique? What makes us stronger, gives us room to develop and make us beautiful and interesting?
I enjoyed being in that ruin so much, I was there in awe-stricken silence for a while. It's ethereal beauty and the broken, missing roof. I bet it wasn't as fascinating when it still was complete.
("There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." Leonard Cohen)
~ ~ ~
I hope you enjoy the photo. Your thoughts & comments are highly appreciated :)
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© 2019 - 2025 waveystar
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sannwald's avatar
Hi waveystar. This is an outstanding place to portray somebody in. Wow! What ugnip said about colour balance I felt a bit, too, but the dress and the model's pose I like lots! Snow maybe was the best underground you could have gotten to master a light underground. The lines seem to draw forewards, and so does the model, into "Utopia" (I don't get the sense of its title, though, I must admit), but at least the picture's details I like: the layer of clouds seem to open over the roof, or as if being the roof,  and the colour and form composition of the front-building part is very pleasant, in form (the windows) and in combination with the colours and scapes of sky.Spotlight Spotlight