arghghghghghhg urhghghghghghhghgh !!!!
In the same day :
__40K pageviews
__1K watchers
__ daily deviationhonored :PThanks all deviants for the nice words on my piece "Lethal submission".
A huge thanks for :iconrezbnik: & :iconMistressWit: for the daily ^^PAK PAK PAK :P
Yop :PSo some changes will happens in the next months.
First a new cg job ( normally :cross finger: ) ___
Workin' on a new motion project with my pak breddha : pak pak pak : ___
And i've join Depthcore :wooot: i'll work hard for the next release ^^if a DC member search someone for a collab :P i'm here ^^have a nice day, waugh.
Hey there, I love your artwork! I wanted to let you know that I featured your awesome artwork in my blog, [link] Your work is totally inspiring and I just couldn't help showing it off. Keep up the great work!