Hello My Name Is Tony Watson (A.K.A. Jonathan Ivory Corner In UK And Thiti Naowarangsi In Thai (Original)) Age 18/Semi-Autistic Artist,sometimes i'm misophonia.
Mostly Can Write English (Both UK And US Words),Japanese And Korean Language. (Sometimes Can Write French,Spanish,Portuguese,Italian,German,Hebrew,Arabic And Malay Language)
My International Names:
ธิติ เนาวรังษี (TH/Original)
Jonathan Ivory Corner (British English/Irish English)
Tony Watson (American English /Canadian English)
大和 青山/Aoyama Yamato (Japanese)
יונתן פרץ/Jonathan Peretz (Hebrew/Yiddish)
종예준/Yejun Jong (Korean)
Jon Marc Dumont (French)
Marco Rosso (Spanish/Fillipino)
Marco Barone (Italian)
Marco Oliveira (Portuguese)
ابراهيم قادر/Ibrahim Qadir (Arabic)
Jonatan Schmit/Jonatan Schultz (German)
Christoffel Beekhof (Dutch/Belgian)
Gabriel Schaus (Luxembourgish)
Ιάσονας Ηλίας/Jason Elias (Greek)
Mark Muntanja-Blu (Maltese)
Request Is Closed.
My Profile Rules:
1. No NSFW/Fetish Stuff. (Just Only 13+ Themed/Mild Violence Or Slightly Bit Suggestive Are ok.)
2. No Fighting/Drama.
3. No Swearing/Bullying.
4. Don't Insulting or Comparison Me.
5. Don't Interaction With Me If You're Toxic Users/Opinion Bashers.
6. Please Don't Hacking.
7. Please Don't Make Hate Comments For Me.
8. Please Respect My Opinion About My Favourite Shows.
9. Please Don't Made Hate Art/Fetish Uncensored Art Of My Ocs.
10. Please Don't Say Slurs To Me.
11. Please Don't Request Me Too Much.
12. Please Don't Request Me If I'm Not Accept Request.
13. For Misophonia Users,If Some Art Are Have Something Trigger Such As Elephant,Cow/Bovine Or Trains: Please Don't Mad At Me,Just Ignore It And Please Respect My Opinion,Although Sometimes I'm Misophonia Too. 😥😅
If You Don't Respect My Rules,I Will Report You.
If You Want Make My Oc Fanart For Me:
Make It Safe.
Not Make It NSFW.
Not Make Hate Fanart.
My Ocs Should Crossover With Everything.
If I Accepted Request,Here's Request Rules.
Please Don't Request Me A NSFW/Weird Fetishes.
Please Don't Request Me Too Much.
Hey so Ben black is addicted to Halloween
Yes,I Mean In My AU Version Of Him.
Draw Owlesque (Major Form) Meets Wedding Cake Cookie and Owlesque (Minor Form) Meets Black Forest Cookie
Can You Draw King Inflatabill?
Is it done