My Art Status

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QueenPhantom11's avatar

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Hello everyone, for a while now I've been wanting to write about this, I just haven't had the time to fully sit down and write it. So I've finally made my decision on my art status! So without further ado here's my status. (I've said "status" way to much in this intro)

Kiribans? Won't be doing them.

The reason I'm starting with this one is because I've seen a lot of people ask others if they are gonna doing them or not, they sound sorta interesting but I don't have any milestones planned, and I feel like there isn't any need for me to do one.

Request? Won't be doing them.

I'll be honest, I don't really like the idea of doing requests, there's so much uncertainty if you'll get credit or not if the requester reposts it, I've also have had weird fetish people try to request me to draw their weird fetishes and such, so I've been turned off on requests for a very long time because of that. I'm also very busy and having to draw something in between trying to create the art I love doing without getting any pay for the hard work I do doesn't really appeal to me, and because I don't have a tablet it takes me forever just to draw a three Panel comic let alone just a drawing of one of my characters, so I don't really see me doing them in the future. EDIT: I do now have a tablet, but it's still kinda hard for me to get projects done due to personal problems and trying to keep up with drawing my comic series. SECOND EDIT: my tablet broke on my birthday last year so I've just been drawing on my phone, so no, I don't have a tablet anymore... But I do plan on buying an iPad instead, just gotta save up for it first.

Commissions? Probably in the future just not now.

Now I might do commissions, just not right now, the reason why I might do them is because I like the idea of getting paid for doing what I love to do, the only downside is like what I said above, there is the possibility of someone not crediting you for your hard work and the fact I'm still very busy, so that's why I'm waiting on doing them.

Gifts? Probably.

It's possible I'll be doing gifts, but that'll be a surprise. A lot of people I've met on here have been very nice to me so I'd like to make something for those people in the future!

Collaborations? Family and or friends only.

I'll probably only do collabs with family and or close friends for now, especially since I'm not really looking to do any at the moment.

Role play? Um, no…

I know role playing isn't really an art status, but both me and my sister were hounded by this really weird guy who was trying to get us to role play with him, so to make this clear, I don't have anything against role playing, I think it's a good way to learn character development and ideas, but I'm just not into it, please don't force me into doing it.

Trades? Probably, just not at the moment.

I kinda like the idea of art trades, you make something for someone and they make something for you! It seems pretty neat! I'm just not planning on doing any at the moment.

So that concludes my art status, I'm hoping this answers some questions anyone has, these

would probably change from time to time so I recommend keeping an eye out for any updates. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

© 2020 - 2025 QueenPhantom11
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