Aurora adventureWarmishWinter on DeviantArt

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WarmishWinter's avatar

Aurora adventure



I have too much fun with the Vivid Light setting it's just SO GOOD.

Anyways, I was thinking that seeing as Aurora's the main character (probably maybe question mark), she'd be the one to go on all these adventures and visit all these places.
After her soul arrived in Hell, she realized it was basically everything she'd ever dreamed of and wanted to eventually start exploring every inch and crevice. Daniel told her that Lucy and Cain used to create these places nonstop all of the time, but Lucy stopped a long time ago, so now there's a finite amount of biomes/habitats/worlds/places to visit. (Though it's not like anyone's ever been able to count them.)
Not that that's a problem anyways because Lucy and Cain were way ahead of the humans, so much so that there are now still way more places than all the human souls in history can occupy.
Anyways, Aurora would probably ask Daniel to come with her (he'd say absolutely not at first) and after some prodding he'd probably reluctantly agree to accompany her, but say something like "I'll meet up with you." And then appear a few weeks later after she's already started her journey.

BUT ANYWAYS *cough* here's a single Aurora walking around strange places as I try not to overuse the Vivid Light setting and write descriptions that are too long.

btw, that's an early carving of Cain & Lucy
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© 2017 - 2025 WarmishWinter
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PaintFeathers's avatar
That forest looks really well done!