Battlezone II - N1A2 'Saber'Wandering-Skipper on DeviantArt

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Battlezone II - N1A2 'Saber'



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Long story short, this is my rendition of the ISDF's N1A2 "Saber" Main Battle Tank from Battlezone II.

As for those who would like the long version, no worries. Semi-obligatory long-winded explanation follows. :p

Yes, I mentioned there was a sequel to the 90's remake of Battlezone. It had been delayed a bit, and I had made several trips through the rain in the weeks leading up to the day it hit the shelves at EB, and with a bit of tweaking and modding, the game is still very entertaining to play today. It's just so hard to find good RTS-FPS hybrid games these days.

The BZ2 story takes place around the turn of the millenium, about the time the game itself was released. The Cold War factions, the National Space Defense Force and the Cosmo Colonist Army, had called a truce over their secret war to control bio-metal, the alien substance that fell to Earth, and brought with it an inherent memory with a vast potential for advanced technologies. They united to fight a common enemy, and eventually became the International Space Defense Force, or ISDF, and ending their secret war in space. In the following decades, the resources that would have otherwise been used fighting each another were instead committed to the establishment of bases and outposts of varying purposes throughout the Solar System. Battlezone II begins with a more modernized task force, which the player is a part of, responding to an emergency distress signal from one such outpost near the fringes, on Pluto.

Bio-metal, the substance that seeded a secret history yet to be revealed to the public, still plays much the same role as it did in the first game, and most facets of the RTS-FPS gameplay was brought back... I say most, because there were a number of changes made to the game mechanics, some were good, some were not. I'll get more into that another time.

This is the workhorse of the ISDF's combat divisions, the N1A2 Main Battle Tank, codenamed the Saber. It derives much from its (known?) predecessors, the NSDF's Grizzly and the CCA's Czar. The Saber is a multirole combat vehicle that can accomodate a wide variety of armaments, and is capable of almost anything with a skilled pilot at the controls.

In any case, I went a little further overboard in terms of creative liberty taken to improve on the original design. For those who know the in-game Saber well, I'm not sure which changes you'll notice first or at all, so I'll go over as many as I can remember... as soon as I finish compiling a list of said changes.

In closing, if you like this, then just wait 'till you see what I did with the recon\mortar bike. ;)

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Battlezone & related terms, and the original Saber design are (C) to whoever owns Battlezone.
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© 2008 - 2025 Wandering-Skipper
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AFVFX's avatar
Nice details you put into the old Sabre here. I have been a huge BZ fan since forever, and it is fun to know that there still are people out here that remember the series :)