Of the Fey ClanWammysAngels on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wammysangels/art/Of-the-Fey-Clan-459090567WammysAngels

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Of the Fey Clan



Here's the third and last post for tonight! :D  Something a little more lighthearted to end off with. Unfortunately, I'm not feeling lighthearted in the slightest. Somehow, my sore throat from this morning has gone to it hurts to breathe and I'm absolutely miserable. Good thing it's only happening this week, though! Like I said, I've been in the UK, so I headed over to the MCM London Comic Con last weekend. Anyone see me? :D I went as Haku (with a sorry case of suitcase-costume. He needed an iron badly) So guess what that means? Haku shots to be put up in our gallery in the not so near future! :D



I was supposed to post this a week ago. That's why Sandra makes shit sense. But I've been working everyday. Except two, but  I was either sleeping our grasping at whatever social life I could.

So here it is now. A week late. But it is Submission Saturday and I'm content.

This is not the first time we've done this wammysangels.deviantart.com/ar…

But I can't stop laughing. I can't stop. I look at it and I'm like "Nope. Don't laugh. It's a good picture." And then it sinks it that both of these are Sandra with the same Sandra face and I laugh. I laugh so hard. I'm still laughing. I'll never not laugh at this picture.

But it is very good and I like it a lot.

But I'll never stop laughing.

And to  explain the title. I have to come up with this shit myself because Sandra fucked off somewhere over in Europe. And while I like what I've played of Phoenix Wright, I don't know much about it. So I had this client in for safety training and we'll call him John Smith. And as he was filling out his application, he was reading out what he wrote and he said:

"Name...John. Smith..... Of the Smith clan."

And I laughed and couldn't stop. So it's two and a half of the Fey girls of the Fey clan.

You know what? Whatever. It's funny to me.

But we'll probably change that later anyways...

-Lissa, Master of the hilarity.

"The chimera was weird."
"Gerard is that."
"Gerard's a horse?"
"He's a chimera, you fool."

-Sandra, Lissa, Sandra, Lissa.

PmS I can't stop laughing.
PremS The pink splotches will one day return!
PremenstrualS I just realized they actually are the "Fey clan".

Pearl and Maya are not our characters, nor will they ever be. [Ace Attourney]
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Anglophile1138's avatar
Wow, that's amazing! How did they make magatamas? Seriously, THIS is devotion to a fandom; I should take notes.

Oh, and you think characters having the same face is funny? Here's something that'll change your mind: www.deviantart.com/art/Smile-b…