Bittersweet: Deponia Doomsday (Spoilers!)wallOruss on DeviantArt

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Bittersweet: Deponia Doomsday (Spoilers!)



!!!Spoiler Alert!!! 

Oh man, the Deponia series was an awesome game but why did the finale had to be so Cry forever 

I won't go into too much details on Deponia Doomsday the whole time paradox was kinda confusing and I felt there were times where some scenes didn't make sense...

And I thought that the characters definitely deserved a better ending... 

However, the game play was still fun & awesome with puzzles (and funny dialogues)

I guess it was one final time before we say goodbye to the characters 

Why Daedalic!onion head 'sigh' 

(((This was an alternate ending I imagined and hoped where an older Goal and Rufus finally reunites after a long time and discovered he survive the fall)
Can you guess the reference for this scene? Lenny face extreme ultimate 
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