GanksWaffleJunkie on DeviantArt

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The Ghoul Amazon Witches are an offshoot or the Blood Vampire Witches. Presently, the Ghoul Witches are led by the Jineala and Qwuineala Qwinour twins. Jineala is the dominate twin. However, Quineala is the deadlier of the two.

The Witches, Ghoul Amazons and Blood Vampires, drink Blood; however, the Ghouls Amazons are Blood Suckers (as in leeches,Ganks) and the Blood Vampire Witches are Ritualistic or Ceremonial Blood Drinkers. Either way, they target men.

Kidd Krisis was targeted by both types. He has been known to inject his bloodstream with a repellent that he developed himself being a Male-Mastermind. As a Male-Mastermind he is intelligent enough to develop a Ghoul Witch repellent to protect himself so he can have more sex with the Ghoul Witches.

When some men are sexually seduced and manipulated by the Ghoul Amazons to the point of giving away a lot of Blood, They Will often be heard saying," I got Ganked!" , "Bitch dun' Ganked me", "She Ganked me but good!", "She Ganked me out my ass!". Sometimes the Ghoul Witches are just called "Ganks"!

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© 2025 WaffleJunkie
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JamesB000's avatar

Very interesting and very futuristic costume designing there. i do like that face mask, pretty darn cool. giant 7ft Ghoul Amazon Witches ! yes ! nice info too on these characters.