
239 deviations

235 deviations
A whale of an adventure
Ok, so I've been wanting to make this for a while, but decided now would be a good time, since it's the 20th anniversary of Finding Nemo and all. All pics here belong to and if you see this, let me just say that I love your work, and if you wanna make more of this potential story, let me know, ok?:)
Also RIP Bruce's VA Barry Humphries:cry: Think of this as another tribute to him
Anyways, lets start with a little backstory, shall we?
So this is an AU where the Loud clans and friends are fishes.
But while hanging out on the edge of a reef, Ronnie Anne is captured by Morag the Sea Witch, and vanishes back to her home in Scotland, making the mistake of giving away her whereabouts. So the Louds tell the Casa fishes and their other friends that there was no need to panic, and that they would find and get back Ronnie Anne ASAP.
The Loud fishes head out on a super long adventure to Scotland, starting by following where Morag once left the area with Ronnie Anne, but lose track of
Other tiny and giant stuff
9 deviations
Shrunken in The Loud House Part 1
Before I start, I want to say that this was another one of me and RP's. We got the idea from the series on YouTube titled Little in The Loud House. It's owned by who I just found out recently is also by .(Better late than never. Also, don't take me the wrong way, Jackurai. I love your stuff)
Anyways, this is an alternate take on the series, which includes Lincoln talking more in them.
Also, as of right now, the series (and RP) is still going on, so if there's any continuity errors, we'll try and fix them up a bit as we go into the future.
Ok, let's start this!
It was another sunny day in Royal Woods. At the Loud House, Lincoln was reading his comics. Ace Savvy, to be precise. The comic he was reading was an interesting issue. In it, Ace is shrunken to the size of a doll, and must find a way to defeat the villain and return to normal.
The plot was very interesting to Lincoln, as he wondered what he'd do in Ace's
Shrunken in The Loud House
14 deviations
Very Tall Stella Part 4
*Later, at Gus’, Stella sits outside, waiting for Lincoln and the others. Her size attracts a large crowd. Among them, she spotted Chandler.*
*Chandler looked up at Stella with his mouth agape*
Chandler: H… how?!
Stella: You probably don't wanna know...
Chandler quickly leaves.
Later, Lincoln and his friends come out, each carrying a tray of spaghetti pizza.
Lincoln: Did someone order five spaghetti pizzas? *Winks at Stella*
Stella: That's me!
*Stella lowers her hand and Lincoln and the others put the five spaghetti pizzas on it*
*She tosses them into her mouth*
Lincoln: Enjoying those pizzas?!
Stella: Mmhmm!
Lincoln: Knew you would.
*She gulps them down*
Lincoln: Bet you feel pretty full now, huh?
Stella: I do!
Zach: Great to hear.
Lincoln: Now let’s do some good!
Stella: Right!
*A montage begins of Stella helping out, first by helping a woman cross the street by picking her up and place her on the other side…*
Woman: Thanks, giantess!
Stella: Pleasure is
Very Tall Stella
4 deviations
2 deviations