Favourite Movies
anything by Tim Burton, muscial and romance
Favourite TV Shows
Nine Lives of Cloe King, So you think you can dance
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Panic at the Disco, My chemical Romance,Evanescence, Breathe Carolina, Never Shout Never!
Favourite Books
House Of Night Series, Vampire Lestat, Howl's Moving Castle, Maximum Ride Series,
Favourite Writers
Anne Rice, James Patterson, Silverstien, Shakespear
Favourite Games
Sims 3, LOTRO
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, XBOX, Play Staion 2
Tools of the Trade
Fine point pen, charcoal, no. 2 pencil, paper, Tablet, SAI
Other Interests
Middle Earth, Renassaince, Mediveval era, Horses, Greek Mythology, reading novels, drinking Tea, Singing, Playing Guitar