-commission- Puppy mittensVVKiti on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vvkiti/art/commission-Puppy-mittens-212106498VVKiti

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VVKiti's avatar

-commission- Puppy mittens



Puppy mittens and scarf!! :iconomgsocuteplz:
These were commissioned by a friend here in my town to be auctioned off at a silent auction to benefit his church...but I think they're just too cute not to share! :love:

He asked for floppy eared puppies, the fancy kind with the different color patch around the eye,so I decided to make each mitten with the opposite color body and eye. And he picked out the scarf color, thought it would be good for either a girl or boy, lol he's so cute. xD

The mittens and scarf are both 100% acrylic, mittens: Red Heart Soft, scarf: Caron Simply Soft. Both are made in children's size, I would say fits about a 5-10yr old depending on how big they are.

Time taken: about 12 hours

Check out some of my other scarf commissions
or check out my profile if you're interested in one of your own. :D
Image size
1800x1290px 542 KB
© 2011 - 2025 VVKiti
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Vinvalenwind's avatar
Glad to see you here, hon! :heart: