VVKiti's avatar


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FF7 TFLN - Cockblock by albedosreqium, literature

Picnic by Tifa-Amy-Lockheart, literature

Collection Coming Soon!
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (358)Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (358)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
My Bio

Hey there! I'm VVKiti...some may know me as Kiti Renentine on ff.net. ^.^

Bullet; Blue Final Fantasy 7 and Gackt fangirl to the extreme.
Bullet; Blue Yaoi connoisseur.
Bullet; Blue Emoticon enthusiast.

:iconkitikissplz:ABOUT ME:iconkitikiss2plz:
~Begin annoying whining by kiti~
Just a quick little word about me... Even though I love it here, and spend pretty much every available moment here... I am notoriously slow at responding to comments/replies/faves...and worse at keeping up to date on looking at artwork. I think I've fainted. I know that doesn't make sense but trust me. I have frequent eye/vision calamities :iconjenovaschoirplz:...No, not that Calamity. :X (Mad)D:...so a lot of the time I can only get through 2 or 3 messages at a sitting/per day. But that doesn't mean I will never answer, or that I won't look at your artwork. I WILL. It just may be a month(or several) later than you'd expect. :iconparanoid-laplz: So please don't think I'm avoiding you, or too stuck up to look at stuff even though I'm posting art myself(I sometimes can draw still even when I can't read). Okay? Great, glad we've got that settled. :p (Lick)hew:
Now my eyes hurt. Wink/Razz
~End of annoying whining by kiti~
art MY deviantID art
My super amazing adorable ID was made by the lovely and talented :iconfunkysockzlover:, she is a wonderful artist and an awesome person, GO CHECK OUT HER GALLERY!!! xDDDDD
:iconparanoid-laplz:A Note About My Icons:iconparanoid-laplz:
If you want to use one of my icons as your avatar(unless it was specifically made for you by me), please ask me first. Not only am I very friendly, and promise I won't bite, but I'll say yes(lol unless it was specifically made for someone else Giggle)...I'd just like to know first. Meow :3

Current Residence: USA

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Games
FFVII and too many others to name XD
Favourite Gaming Platform
All of them!!
Tools of the Trade
sketchpad & pencils, GIMP, yarn, crochet hooks :3
Other Interests
Video games, web design, dancing, aerial fabric
***Update 7/22*** I give up. Life will just not let me be. I apologize, yet again, for not responding to most comments, and for the now very lateness of the other two requests I took in the hopes of getting my life back on track and getting some free time.  In the past month or so: my elderly grandmother fell and broke her arm, just got home from the rehab center this week...my boyfriend broke his foot 2 weeks after tearing his meniscus...my 47-year old uncle, who is like a brother to me, had a massive heart attack followed by emergency triple bypass surgery which he wasn't expected to make it through, after three days on a ventilator he w...
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A long absence

0 min read
Hello everyone. It has been a very long time since I've been here, and I apologize. Life has been giving me a very rough ride for quite a while. Not the least of which has been problems with my eyesight. At one point I had to go in for an emergency exam because the headaches had gotten so bad I was literally holding my head trying to keep my eye from feeling like it was going to pop out. I am still waiting for my insurance to kick in so I can go to a specialist to get my issue resolved. In the meantime, I have too much trouble looking at the computer for any extended amount of time, and working on any artwork is impossible. :( Besides that...
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:new: Look at what I got from :iconalbedosreqium: for donating to help Save Banjo !! :boogie: :thumb288675488:Want an equally awesome story of your own? Read AlbedosReqium's Journal for details !! :thumb287736786::new:Hello my dear friends and watchers. As some of you may already know, we have a friend in need. :iconlagunanojutsu:, a wonderful artist, and dear, sweet girl who has been struggling through tremendously horrific health problems of her own now needs our help to save the life of her beloved companion, daschund Banjo.:thumb117993161: :thumb157783848: :thumb155613233:Banjo suffered a spinal injury on February 24th, 2012, and c...
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Profile Comments 1.5K

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Makayla20161's avatar
Happy Late Birthday
NoBuddy-else's avatar
Wow, how much time has passed! My dear friend, I wonder how you're doing ever since I too disappeared from around here due to my ongoing eye problems. And how are yours. Identified at least? Solved already hopefully? I still think it may have something to do with hypermetropy, like in my case. It's a permanent condition, only advancing in time, but manageable with the proper glasses. I really hope you finally got to the bottom of it.

I also see some two years ago you got engaged! Maybe you're even married already? You so deserve every good thing I can think of - and more! Maybe at least from now on I'll manage to be more on dA again - hopefully. Anyway, for now I hug you from afar ans wish you ALL the best, everywhere you go, my dear friend Kiti! :iconsephirothkissplz::iconbigheartplz:
jessalia's avatar
Tifa-Amy-Lockheart's avatar
Happy Birthday Kiti! :D
Hope you're doing well lovely ^_^
Yorulla's avatar
Happy birthday!!