Hey there! I'm VVKiti...some may know me as Kiti Renentine on ff.net. ^.^
Final Fantasy 7 and Gackt fangirl to the extreme.
Yaoi connoisseur.
Emoticon enthusiast.
ABOUT ME~Begin annoying whining by kiti~Just a quick little word about me... Even though I love it here, and spend pretty much every available moment here... I am notoriously slow at responding to comments/replies/faves...and worse at keeping up to date on looking at artwork.
I know that doesn't make sense but trust me. I have frequent eye/vision calamities
...No, not that Calamity.
D:...so a lot of the time I can only get through 2 or 3 messages at a sitting/per day. But that doesn't mean I will never answer, or that I won't look at your artwork. I WILL. It just may be a month(or several) later than you'd expect.
So please don't think I'm avoiding you, or too stuck up to look at stuff even though I'm posting art myself(I sometimes can draw still even when I can't read). Okay? Great, glad we've got that settled.
Now my eyes hurt.
~End of annoying whining by kiti~art MY deviantID artMy super amazing adorable ID was made by the lovely and talented
, she is a wonderful artist and an awesome person, GO CHECK OUT HER GALLERY!!! xDDDDD
A Note About My IconsIf you want to use one of my icons as your avatar(unless it was specifically made for you by me), please ask me first. Not only am I very friendly, and promise I won't bite, but I'll say yes(lol unless it was specifically made for someone else
)...I'd just like to know first.
Current Residence: USA