[BnHA] Modokihada Yorivvasabipeas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vvasabipeas/art/BnHA-Modokihada-Yori-778190015vvasabipeas

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[BnHA] Modokihada Yori



This is my soft baby boy I've been working on lately and I love him

I didn't think I'd be making another significant UA OC, but here we areI hate the UA uniform so much

I took the liberty of making some stuff up for middle school that may end up changing because I don't know what canon has in store, but we'll figure that out when we get there

There's still a bit I've got to add to his profile and I need to add more art to it, but I wanted to share him since I've got the bulk of it completed.

full profile

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2504x2400px 3.75 MB
© 2018 - 2025 vvasabipeas
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