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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Film & Animation
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My Bio

Current Residence: Michigan, the angry mitten tossing a fish into the heartland... or something.
Favourite genre of music: As long as it's good I don't care.
Favourite style of art: I'm primarily focused on the execution of the animation aesthetic anime or otherwise.
Operating System: Windows XP

Favourite Visual Artist
From Enki Bilal to Makoto Kobayashi, Toshihiro Kawamoto to Anselm Kiefer and Kurt Schwitters. Lots
Favourite Movies
Lawrence of Arabia, The Wings of Honneamise Royal Space Force, Blade Runner, Film Noir, etc, etc.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Dead can Dance, Curve, David Sylvian, Peter Gabriel, Yoko kanno, King Crimson, Talk Talk, etc, etc.
Favourite Games
Star Wars Battlefront Fighter Squadron
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS3, Painter X, Wacom Intous 4 large, Zbrush 4R7
Other Interests
The unknown... like how many licks to get the the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop. 3? Lies I tell ya!
I keep forgetting to use this new shiny DA status (tweet clone thing) gadget so, I think it's time to start actually using it. For those of you that watch me from all the way back to the mid 2000 DA mecha scene days, you all may remember this talente...
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As we roll into 2020 and close out 2019 I can say, overall, the year was pretty good. 2019 opened, for me, with a really lucrative and cool concept art gig with Animal Logic Sydney on an animated feature film they have in development, which they have since revealed it's existence and title on their site: artwork featured is one of the pieces I did for the film, with a few cool edits by them post gig (still most of what's there is what I did for them). I was actually contacted by them (out of nowhere, which was a pleasant surprise), in November of 2018, and invited to contribute to ...
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I did post a status update in July announcing the launch of a Vulne Pro Patreon but I've honestly not had the time to properly promote it in lieu of the circumstances that have led to my return to art full time. A journal post seems a reasonable thing to do to remind and plug the Patreon page again. August was a month of getting things in order and easing back into the groove, September is going to be about increasing the pace and continuing to dig through the piles of older work in order to reject or build on things going forward. In any event, please drop a look, or support if inclined, at the Patreon page. I'm happy to be back but I ult...
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Profile Comments 955

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btw is the series set in greece?

love your work, really cool, the mechs look like the came straight out of a medieval bestiary. keep on, you're dead talented.

Jimbowyrick1's avatar


  I bumped into your site a few moments ago.

Beyond fantastic models and images!

  You are living MY dream.

  Please hit my site

and you'll see why!

Create to stop hate! - Professor Anton Veeblefitzer

MayandKirby's avatar


You're the guy who helped make the Transformers Ultimate official Guide Book


I recognize your art from that!!!

(I still have this book since 2007)

I just want to say, Thank You for contributing in forging a part of my childhood.

Optimus Thumbs Up
VulnePro's avatar

Apparently the work I did (years back in roughly 2002 to 2003) with Dreamwave comics was used for publication of this DK book TF ultimate guide as this is the first I've heard of this book, I wasn't involved with the creation of the book at all. I worked for Dreamwave comics, back in 2002 to 2003-ish as a colorist so I never illustrated/drew any of the TF characters, I only did color work. I was actually hired to draw them but ended up jumping into doing colors before getting the chance to draw any because they folded in 2005 and I left in 2003. I saw the writing for that was already on the wall for Dreamwave's eventual collapse so I amicably bowed out and left. It was a fun gig though and I'm not surprised that art is still circulating, we (the crew working at Dreamwave during that time) did a TON of art for the Transformers More than Meets the Eye guide book comics. I forget exactly how many I colored but it was north of over 200 of the characters and vehicle modes.

Thanks for dropping in the post, I'll have to check that book out someday beyond the Amazon listing page previews (which does have a few of the pieces I colored in there).

MDTartist83's avatar
Transformers was a part of my childhood too. 
VulnePro's avatar
Aye, if you grew up during the 80s you had them somewhere in your room, on your shelves, toy box, whatever :)