PKMNCC - Clutch [ ID:5431 ] [CLOSED]voxel-pup on DeviantArt

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PKMNCC - Clutch [ ID:5431 ] [CLOSED]



Important Notes:
- I will only take offers once the clutch is officially in the group (Not yet approved so not yet in the group)
- Only for community members within PKMN-CrescentCavern
- If paying in levels/moves/art you must be able to pay within 2 weeks!
- I have a right to deny your offer if you have unreffed pokemon you have purchased from my clutches

LF: Items, Levels, Points, Caps, Stardust , PayPal 

Rough offer guide, I count my art in for the worth so they are worth a small bit more than just traits and species

For referenced Pokemon I won't accept less than 150 points / 300 stardust / 300 caps (Unless friend)

Clutch Pokemon here earn 4 levels! [Colored fullbody + simple background]


Clutch ID: 5431
Approved by Mods


1. Eevee - Shiny, Variant, Blend (Dark) - BenevolentBovine 

2. Eevee - Shiny, Variant, Blend (Bug) - Wilburisms

3. Eevee/Shinx - Shiny, Variant, Mixed, Blend (Bug, Fairy) - Wilburisms

4. Shinx/Eevee - Shiny, Variant, Mixed, Blend (Bug, Psychic) - ON HOLD

5. Shinx/Eevee - Shiny, Variant, Mixed, Blend (Bug) - kyleaux 

6. Eevee/Shinx - Shiny, Variant, Mixed, Blend (Psychic) - kyleaux 
Image size
5000x3500px 2.92 MB
© 2024 - 2025 voxel-pup
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