TANGLETUFT - ROGUE APPLICATION - FFCVojune on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vojune/art/TANGLETUFT-ROGUE-APPLICATION-FFC-1139440226Vojune

Deviation Actions

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Prefix Meaning:
Tangle was given to this cat due to his twisted and tangled whiskers.

Suffix Meaning:
Tuft was given to this cat due to his wild and tufty fur.

19 moons

DMAB, Cisgender (He/Him)



Highcry (NPC)


Tangletuft is a lithe red striped tom with green eyes and unruly fur and white markings on his front half.
+ Independent
+ Social
+ Optimistic
- Emotional
- Easily impressed
- Naive
x Awkward
x Anxious
x Weak-willed

Tanglepaw was born to a clan warrior named Daisyfoot, and a loner named Jumper. It was a rather classic case of a clan cat taking a mate at the to bring new kits into the clan. However, due to low amounts of prey in the territory at the time, Daisyfoot ate rats outside of the territory's borders whenever she would visit Jumper. This led to her falling ill during her pregnancy. However, she carried the kits to term. The litter consisted of Tanglekit, Honeykit, Thistlekit, and Waspkit. Due to her illness, she had extremely low milk production, which herbs did not seem to help. The litter was born 2 moons earlier than the other expecting queens in the nursery, and most of the litter was born weak and sickly due to the mother’s disease during pregnancy. With the only other queen in the nursery expecting kits 2 moons away, she was not yet producing milk to share with the hungry kits. The kits began to starve to death. The runt, Waspkit, was the first to pass away. Thistlekit grew ill from malnutrition and died from a coughing disease they contracted due to being so weak. This left Tanglekit and Honeykit, and Daisyfoot’s stunted milk production was enough to feed 2 kits. Despite surviving the ordeal, Tanglekit and Honeykit were not better off, suffering from illness well into their apprenticeships.
Once apprenticed, Honeypaw did not last long. Misunderstanding her mentor’s orders, she walked further out into the swamp in a hunting practice than an apprentice of her age should, and she could not find her way back to camp. Her body was found the night after: she had drowned in a mudpool while fruitlessly trekking through the swamp.

Tanglepaw had a distant connection to his mother, but Daisyfoot never recovered from her grave illness she contracted while visiting Jumper. Daisyfoot now presides in the elder’s den, her symptoms having gotten worse. She now hardly remembers who her son even was, and often stared off whenever he visited her in a delirium.
The situation in his native clan's territory grew worse, and worse. With prey becoming thin. His mentor, Highcry, would send him on hunting patrols frequently. This exhausted him, along with the muffled sounds of starving cats within camp. At 11 moons, he was made a warrior earlier than he should have been. Succumbing under the pressure to feed his dying clan, the newly named Tangletuft fled during his silent vigil that night. He was never seen again by his birth clan. Since, he has traveled many moons across treacherous landscapes to be where he is today. After joining a few groups of odd loners here and there, some more organized than others, he finally came across the lacky crew that made it to Pineclan territory.

Art by @Vojune
Drawn Application @ DAHLEEA

Written Application @ ET3RN0L
Toyhouse Application @ ET3RN0L

Image size
2371x1766px 2.83 MB
© 2024 - 2025 Vojune
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