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Hahahah, I couldn't resist uploading this. and I were on Skype a few hours ago from now and she was sharescreening while playing Ao Oni. I'd accidentally made Hellfire get stuck in her head, so she kept singing that while she was playing. Suddenly one of the grotesque purple monsters came out of nowhere and started chasing her, ending her song abruptly and turning it into a high-pitched shriek.
/end story
Forgive me, Curly... I just couldn't resist. Heh heh.
I'm sort of proud of my... Portrait of the "blue demon". For some reason. u_u;
/end story
Forgive me, Curly... I just couldn't resist. Heh heh.
I'm sort of proud of my... Portrait of the "blue demon". For some reason. u_u;
Image size
1600x1200px 540.02 KB
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