The General and His StallionVizseryn on DeviantArt

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The General and His Stallion



EDIT: I don't think this sent to anyone... o_o Let's try uploading this again!
EDIT #2: So I deleted the old one and as soon as I do that I get the message that the old one has been deleted in my devation watch, and it never went out to inboxes. Now this one isn't going out either. WHADACRAP??? I guess I'll wait for it to get sent out..........


(Mostly his stallion)


I saw this picture and I was like :love::love::love: and then I was like "I wanna gallop on a beach someday, it looks sooo amazing" and then I was like "I gotta make some awesome baroque tack for Leo" and I was sitting here and.... this came to me... like a dream...... O___O

So I need to stop messing with this and do something else now


Leovanthos and Kethron (Kethron used to be a general and Leovanthos was his trusty, mighty stallion through it all (they're from a few hundred years ago)) in what was their General attire... maybe his twins teased him that he couldn't fit in it anymore and so he showed them up! The sword is named Zadegan-Ejdeha, which means Courage of the Dragon (since Kethron likes dragons a lot and all)

Now I can make a tack reference for Leovanthos, since I created it up here ^_^ I shall find a way to use this tack in a dressage competition somehow. I must.

I apologize for the background and human, I couldn't find any real great references so I kind of winged it >_<

By the way, this is the beach that is going to be behind the mountain that's behind my revamped stables, the map of which I have not posted yet...

Took waaayyy too long and 121 layers! Yay! DX
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4000x2536px 6.67 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Vizseryn
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Bloodsong13T's avatar
i want that beach... i want that horse... i want that gear...

121 layers!??!?!?!  HOLY!

totally amazing.