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Vixsune's avatar

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WARNING! Contains Giantess with Possible Vore intentions :P (Lick)
    you don't like it then don't gaze upon its awesomeness.

*(!HAPPY VORE DAY!)* - late -

After much editing i finally can put this out it was supposed to be submitted yesterday (Vore Day) but i just felt that it needed even more editing...

this is my first chapter in idk how many more chapters worth of a story iv been wanting to write about but i hope you can read through my horrible
grammer and punctuation mistakes mixed with 3rd and 1st person swapping lol.

P.S - this is my first short story i have ever written and put out for other to view so please be nice, otherwise ill ask karbo to ask Melany to come nom you :D

The Beautiful Anko Belongs to this Gorgeous creator  :iconkarbo:
The little slice of Demensional Felarya also belongs to ^

Thx goes to :iconsleepingpeanut: for telling me to expand on this idea and submit it on DA.
Credits also goes to :iconprinnydood-abides: and :icondaiyoukai-sama: for their story writing skills of awesomeness that helped me pick up on a few ways to write about this kind o stuff :D

All other Characters belong to me!...

Here is Chapter TWO :D The Succubus Queen. Ch 2. The Adventure Begins  
"WOW! that was really close little fox!"
Vixsune heard a young feminine voice speak excitedly
He opened his eyes, a blurry haze filled his vision, his body shaking from a cold, musky air. the figure standing over him was blurred.
His head aching, he sat up and rubbed his eyes with his unsteady hands, an attempt to remove his slight blindness. his vision lightened and he looked around. He could not see anything nearby but the figure in front of him, as pitch black darkness was all around him.
With Vix's vision clearing up he saw a naked women in front of him. Her dark blonde hair was down past her shoulders, covering her chest. Vixsune felt uncomfortable and was a little on edge after what just happened.
The girl took a step closer, reaching out her hand as if to help him up.
"Geeze you came really close to becoming fish food, just saying!" she said cheerfully.
Vix looks down at her hand then back to her. her golden eyes seemed sincere but he was still unsure if he should t
© 2016 - 2025 Vixsune
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RazorWest's avatar
Guess my OC wasn’t the first to have a rough time first exploring Felarya. :XD: