Vixixi's avatar


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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (30)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (4)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Okay, so its been over ten years since I posted anything here.  I've not had the best decade: couch-surfing; finally finding a place I could afford to rent; leaving a decade-long position partly because my boss and his wife were retiring; getting fired from one job; quitting another (weird story, that); losing my godmother, two friends, and my love to old age and/or cancer; being so overworked the past year I could've sworn I was losing my mind.  I can be found on Fanfiction at (the older story is not abandoned, just on hold), and can also be found on AO3 at

We'll see how long I manage to stick around this time. :p

Favourite Visual Artist
Edward Gory
Favourite Movies
Nutcracker Fantasy (with Christopher Lee)
Favourite TV Shows
Thundercats (new and old, but mostly the old), C.O.P.S. (animated), Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Dave Clark Five
Favourite Books
the Valdemar novels
Favourite Writers
Mercedes Lackey
Favourite Games
Silent Hill (all); Sphinx and the Mummy; Haunting Grounds (Demento)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Atari 5200 (make of that what you will)
Tools of the Trade
I prefer pen and ink, but I enjoy all mediums
Other Interests
Music (my YouTube name is ReafsRealm), doll making, sewing, writing (my Fanfiction and AO3 name is Vixixi)
Went through two binders of Thundercat drawings I did years ago. I decided to pick out the ones that didn't make me cringe, scan them at work during my lunch break, and then post them. My excuse to any coworker who asks is, "I really need to figure out how to get this awful scanner to behave." No, seriously, the scanner sucks.
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The frustration of being me: I'm editing one of my original works with the intention of publishing it, I have three fanfictions battling in my head to be written down, multiple pieces of art I created in the past are begging to be redone, there are images in my mind I want to create, I have nude dolls who've been patiently waiting years for outfits, I need to start exercising again, I've a cross-stitch pattern I want to finish for my uncle (who's 82, so I definitely want it done sooner rather than later)--and there just isn't enough time each day for it all. Did I mention I also need to clean my room?
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I'm honestly just digging up stuff I drew years ago (decades, in some cases--yes, decades as in PLURAL). I figured--meh, why not?
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Ryanwalker132's avatar

Thanks for liking my pic please leave a comment in my pic below

vasglorious's avatar

Thanks for favoring my drawing of Dr. Octopus.

Vixixi's avatar

He's my favorite Spiderman villain. <3

vasglorious's avatar

Yeah, when I was a kid I enjoyed Doctor Octopus battling Spider-Man.

JK-Antwon's avatar

Thanks 4 the fav on my #zemaracomic figure! I update my comic every Sunday. You are welcome to 'watch' for updates. :)

c-e-shadid's avatar

Thanks 4 The Faves. 😎👍

Thank you for the favourite!😊