Mallowcrest: PygmalionVixenpelt on DeviantArt

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Mallowcrest: Pygmalion




noun /ˈmalōkrest/

Mallowcrests, plural

A quadruped winged mammal, often vividly colored, that is usually found in tropical areas. Their wingspan stretches at 2 1/2 feet once fully grown and molts every four years. Due to their mild nature, they have very blunt claws that are only used for scavenging food. Because of this they often flee rather then battle. They are mainly solitary and protect their territory with their antlers. These creatures are very swift, and usually not made for a rough, feral life. They tend live in calmer warm areas where struggles aren't met and take to the skies more then lounging on the ground. They are generally easy-going and hyperactive. Their title stems from their crown which only crests during distress, painted in mesmerizing violet and white blotches.

Behold. My first original species. ^^

I call it a mallowcrest. This particular one is mine, named Pygmalion (Pyg or Mal for short.)

I've always wanted to make my own little critter and this one is perfect for me. Oh boy, if I could have a mallowcrest in real life my world would be made.

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