vividlilac's avatar


427 Watchers78 Deviations
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (11)
I hope all is well for everyone!Thank you for all of the continued comments and watches! I greatly appreciate them all!!:hug:
anonymous's avatar
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No, I am not...

0 min read
Dead or left deviantArt :DLife has taken some turns here and there, but all is well... I miss being able to post here and comment on people's work, but not much time left in the day when all is said and done. We have recently begun unschooling at home and turned out schedule into chaos :)I hope all is well for everyone out there, and I look forward to returning here, but it is probably going to be a while until everything is sorted at home and my kids and I get more into a routine, if that is even possible :D
anonymous's avatar
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After a recent journal post by :devkkart: I began thinking more about safety issues when I go out shooting in different locations. Most of the places I travel to are fairly safe with plenty of people around and man-made guided pathways.A few of the locations that I have been to have been sparsely populated with people, which generally makes me happy, but I still need to think about the non-human safety issues. As a woman I also have to think about my safety related to robbery or other types of assault since I am carrying camera gear.So, what do I do to prepare and try to make sure I am safe? Well, no one can always be 100% safe all of the ...
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Profile Comments 1.4K

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onepieceofthepuzzle's avatar
Hi there, been forever, how goes the photography?
XTHEBOSSX's avatar
Hey Shannon. I really love your wildlife photos, and I was wondering if I could use this image : [link] in a non commercial piece, the bird will hardly be visible and it will only occupy about 1% of the piece, it will be completely transformed.
bagnino's avatar
thank U v much
LadyCarnal's avatar
Thanks for the :+fav:!:hug:

Muskeg's avatar
Thank you so much for the favorite! You have a lovely gallery...
nitsuJmAI's avatar
Thanks for the fav. Great gallery! :nod:
funkyjunky's avatar
Hey Wassup? Sorry for the Very, very late reply on the favs and DEVwatches. Thank you guys very, very much. I came back from another Documentary mission in Lesotho and have a new journal up: [link] :peace:

P.S. I hate to beg but I'm a broke ass MF. All this travel for my art is eating a big hole in my pocket. Any Subs would be greatly appreciated. :nirvana: