Day1AfterdinnerVittuz on DeviantArt

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[As they continue chatting and enjoying their drinks, the girlfriend excuses herself to use the restroom. When she returns, there's a noticeable change in her appearance—she's taken some time to freshen up and has changed into a stunning outfit.]

Guy: Whoa, someone looks absolutely amazing! What happened in there?

Girlfriend: Oh, just a quick refresh. Thought I'd change things up a bit. What do you think?

Guy: [Staring in awe] Wow, you look incredible! I mean, you always do, but there's something about tonight. Did you just step out of a fashion magazine or something?

Girlfriend: [Blushing] Stop it, you're making me blush. I just felt like switching it up a bit, you know?

Guy: Well, you certainly caught me off guard—in the best way possible. I'm a lucky guy.

Girlfriend: [Smiling] Flattery will get you everywhere. But seriously, thank you. I wanted to surprise you a little.

Guy: Mission accomplished! I'm pleasantly surprised. Not that I mind the casual look, but this is a nice change.

Girlfriend: I'm glad you like it. It's fun to keep things interesting. So, what were we talking about before my little disappearing act?

Guy: I think we were making plans for the weekend. Brunch on Sunday, remember?

Girlfriend: Right! I'm still in for that. But first, let's enjoy the rest of our evening here. Maybe even hit the dance floor later?

Guy: Absolutely! I'm up for anything as long as I get to show off my stunning girlfriend.

[They share a laugh, clink their glasses once again, and continue their night, enjoying the unexpected twist in the evening.]

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toypik's avatar

Good job 👏