Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my page and for all your favorites, watches, comments, and feedback. I really do appreciate them!
-I just wanted to do a quick update, I want to thank my new watchers and kind folks who have been visiting my gallery, I haven't really had time to keep up with DA unfortunately, life just gets busy as everyone knows. I've kept my art here for people to enjoy, and I use my account to keep up with all the wonderful things happening here, hopefully sometime I'll get back into the mood to post.
-What's in a name? It has come to my attention recently that I am not the only person on the world-wide-web with the user-name 'VisionCrafter' anymore. I've seen a few other people (and companies) using the handle on other sites. To my knowledge none of these people are also pretending to be 'me' and I haven't found anyone re-posting my art, they just like the ID and don't seem to mind that they're not the only one using it.
So for the record the only places I have that I post to under this name are this account and an old LJ I also stopped using some time ago. If you see any other VisionCrafter's out there they are someone else! I wouldn't want to confuse anyone.
Commissions/Trades: Unfortunately commissions are *closed* right now, with school and work I just do not have the time. If I do open up for them I'll be sure to post so in my journal.
Thanks again everyone!