My name is Virginia, people call me Gina. I am a little crazy (people think I am full on crazy). I picked up Fractal Art many moons ago, I saw it one day and decided to learn how to do the many programs, I started out by using the Apophysis program, but I wanted more, I've used Ultra Fractal, and a few others. The one I love to use now is the Mandelbulb Program. I am never satisfied with how my Fractals look, I have many pieces in my computer.
I suffer from Fibromyalgia and getting myself enthralled into my art sometimes takes my mind off of my pain, I was/am a Photographer, but it wasn't giving me what I wanted.
I saw this amazing artworks that people were putting out there, I searched far and wide the name of the artworks I was seeing. When I finally found out what the artworks were called Fractals I took it upon myself to learn how to use the many programs.
I'm a mother of three and a grandmother of two.
Thank you for watching! 🦋 😊
You are very welcomed