The First Law CharactersViragom on DeviantArt

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The First Law Characters



Edit 18/02/10: Added Dogman, Quai and Ardee. Ugh I got so sick of browns... WHY DID I CHOOSE TO DO THREE BRUNETTES AT ONCE??? My laziness is evident in the colouring. I'll think more carefully about the next three I do...

Fanart of characters from Joe Abercrombie's "The First Law" trilogy; L-R/top-bottom: Logen Ninefingers, Cpt. Jezal dan Luthar,Inquisitor Sand dan Glokta
Ferro Maljinn, Bayaz, Collem West,
Dogman, Malacus Quai and Ardee West

Note: Since some of their titles change throughout the story, I'm just sticking them with whatever they had to begin with. Also I will redraw Glokta younger.... ONE DAY...
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HolyMane's avatar
hah funny thing how for me somehoe logen was blondish and luthar was dark haired