Day 3 | Cozy Winter Home | Fairy VialsViPOP on DeviantArt

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Day 3 | Cozy Winter Home | Fairy Vials


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Cozy Winter Home 

Fillers ☆ North Stars, Lantern's Glow 

Liquid/Domain ☆ A Cold Winter Night 

Appendage ☆ Wreath Horns, Deer Ears, Elf ears 

Vial Shape ☆ Ornaments, house lantern  


It was a cold winter night. So cold, that even in my long fluffy coat, it was just barely enough to keep myself warm. Even though I was eager to get to my cabin, I couldn't help but notice the starry night sky through the pine tree branches. It wasn't snowing, but the thousands of stars in the sky made it look like fresh sparkling snow. It was then I saw my cabin in the distance. A gentle warm light shone through the windows, as if to welcome me home.

Fairy Vial 2024 Winter Advent

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2993x3671px 4.43 MB
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KobutaNori's avatar

@LittleBlueMuffin Muffin this concept is so unique and interesting, I love what you did with this baby!! The shape with the dress and the wreath is very distinct and they look so cozy and snug 2017YupiANanEmote001

I especially love how you used white fluff is used to represent snow and the horns to make a wreath,, so creative XD