[SOLD] Flame AdoptVioletthefox0001 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/violetthefox0001/art/SOLD-Flame-Adopt-757357953Violetthefox0001

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Violetthefox0001's avatar

[SOLD] Flame Adopt



The contest this design was originally made for has been postponed for over a year. As this design is partially based on existing elements, I ask that if you purchase her make at least one change to the head design. Otherwise, the rest was my design so I don't see any issue selling her, since it seems so sad to just leave the design in limbo. 

Just $3 or 300Red Points 

Original description
Another entry for The design contest

I actually happened to have a spare design laying around that fit Firestarter really well! I just adjusted it to fit her personality and theme better. Thank goodness, because I was in love with the design but I already have too many robots and wouldn't have been able to do anything with the character. Here's the original design if you're interested. Also! I suck at drawing vehicles, I'm so sorry. I really did try hhhhhh

Hopefully I can get to Lookaway next! I'm super excited for her because this time it'll be super open-ended. Heelie robos are best robos imo

For Skull-gum !
Image size
2378x3016px 2.18 MB
© 2018 - 2025 Violetthefox0001
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