Halloween (colors)violetice on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/violetice/art/Halloween-colors-571089430violetice

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violetice's avatar

Halloween (colors)



I'm a week late but I finished the colors for this:
Halloween Lineart by violetice

If you would like to color this feel free, please read the description for the lineart for more info.
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1043x857px 864.04 KB
© 2015 - 2025 violetice
anonymous's avatar
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DTKinetic's avatar
Since you gave me a critique, I wanted to offer a critique on one of your pictures. (Though the feature's not up, I'll just wing it).

I think this turned out quite well, this definitely has some strengths going for it. The lineart is crisp and really clean-cut, I think it's skillful how well you transferred it from the traditional version--something I struggle with myself. And with the lineart, the trees in particular look effectively twisted and spooky. The dark, brooding colors match the theme of Halloween, and of course the elf girl is very thoroughly fleshed out and proportioned in my opinion :thumbsup:

As for critique, well, the commenter before me nailed a really good point. The background ends too suddenly and therefore feels artificial. Outside of that, another thing to work on would be the lighting, as it doesn't feel like there's an apparent light source. The mushroom, ground and trees seem too evenly lit. And finally, the pumpkin looks way too dark to have an electric blue glow on it; and especially since pumpkins are a big icon of Halloween, I think you should've made some real orange visible.

But overall I think this is a job well done :peace: