I am Divergentviolet2424 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/violet2424/art/I-am-Divergent-444948890violet2424

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violet2424's avatar

I am Divergent



Shailene Woodley as Beatrice 'Tris' Prior from the movie Divergent. :heart:
I had read the first book of the series and was just eager for the movie to come out and I wasn't disappointed. I watched the movie the day after it released and I looveed it! The cast was great and I think the movie was taken in a great way. :D
Have you guys watched Divergent yet? 
I am super busy with classes and exams but I hope to do a lot of drawings as soon as my exams end :)
Also, what do you think of the drawing? Let me know! :aww:
Image size
635x510px 103.65 KB
© 2014 - 2025 violet2424
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art816's avatar
this is awesome. you got everything from the reflection in her eyes to the shading in her hair. pleas do more like this. oh and good luck on your exams.