I weave the cover of the nightvimark on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/vimark/art/I-weave-the-cover-of-the-night-213988052vimark

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vimark's avatar

I weave the cover of the night



When I made this art I wrote some string. They came by themselves and show the meaning of the work. I tried to translate into English, but I know that there are many errors. If anyone can help translate or correct the errors, I would be grateful. Remember, I'm not a poet.

Я плету покровы ночи
И немного звезд кладу,
Для души тоскливой мрачной
Путь к терпенью укажу.

Этой ночью свет небесный
Для потерянной души
Воплотится в праздник главный,
Не позволив согрешить

I weave the cover of the night
And append some stars to it,
For the dreary, gloomy soul
I provide road to patience.

In this night, the light of stars
For the lost soul became
A main event,
Not allowing to sin.

I took some photo of Old Japan from NewsInPhoto.ru and remade it. It is not original photo. All rights reserved.

stock of crane from sxc.hu by:
danjill [link]
tvvoodoo [link]
kavitha [link]

all other stock is from me.
Made in photoshop.

I give permission to all my club displayed in my journal to display my work.

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All rights reserved.
You are not allowed to reproduce, copy, modify or use any of my works unless you have my written authorization.
Image size
4244x3000px 6.12 MB
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