Can I make a Vilvet? I've sended a join reguest. And, umm, the vilvet bases doesn't work for ms paint, and I was wondering is there a ms paint version?
Could I make a vilvet as a gift for a friend even if they aren't in the group? Or will they have to join? I wanna know cause I have some plans for some of my close friends.
This Species is just the single sweetest thing ever... It has a great concept a really original idea behind it and It's FREAKING ADORABLE... devinatly gonna make one and I hope this group willl grow as much as it deserves to be... I'm devinatly also gonna spread this around and show my friends because more people should know about this!! I hope you keep working on them because I would love to see a bit more of them <3
Good luck and thank you for creating a species so charming as this one!!!