Hey I Used To Have A Scratch Acc With The Same Name (And An Another That Did Not Have The Same Name) That Got Blocked So I Joined This Website Instead (Update I Have A New Acc On Scratch It Is Here https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Spongebob76889/ )
I Am A Fan Of The 80s And 90s
Also I Can Do Requests (And I Need Ones Now Because I'm Running Out Of Ideas) As Long They're Not Unknown
I Have A Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/VilgotEk2/
Hey guys i have moved to this account now!
Hello, VilgotEk2. Can you make a poster about my favorite superhero Freakazoid with two anime heroes Naruto Uzumaki and Ino Yamanaka from Naruto series, intitled: "Freakazoid and his Likable Friends". Do you like idea? Because I need it! And I love it! Ok kindly please?
Happy Birthday!
Actually it's my birthday tomorrow
My request is: Mario and Luigi in "WarioWare Penny Health Of The Power" while Bowser, Kamek and Waluigi in the cornered
Could you atleast try to draw instead of using AI