Jaro (Spring)VilaEmme on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/vilaemme/art/Jaro-Spring-1054236085VilaEmme

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Jaro (Spring)


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Well, this one is truly special to me.

watercolors and white acrylic ink on watercolor paper (300g, CP)

30,5 cm x 40,6 cm

Spring has long been my favorite season. That's why I chose a blossoming tree over half my back as my first tattoo more than 10 years ago.

And this painting, one of my very favorite, was created in the spring. It is possibly a depth of the gaze, a gentle combination of colors or the ethereal atmosphere I love so much about it.

I love the feeling of being proud of something I created. I love that I have the ability to create.

I hope that its energy will breathe on you.

Love, Vila.

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2500x3286px 2.62 MB
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GeaAusten's avatar

I so admire your work xxx