Draconology: OriginsVikasRao on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vikasrao/art/Draconology-Origins-902376435VikasRao

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Draconology: Origins



Draconology © VikasRao

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Over the course of this year, I've expanded the setting of Draconology. The anatomy and ecology series helped (I hope) to make this a much more immersive specevo world alongside the good old clade showcases.

I'm also super grateful for the positive feedback and just how much everyone's liked this little project; after all, a specevo world with real dragons is hardly original.

I feel at this point that it's about time to add a new series, one that I've been working on since this started, but intentionally delayed because I wanted to properly set it up. The clade showcase, anatomy, and ecology series will all continue of course, but will now be joined by a new series, Origins, which will look at dragon evolution.
Now dragons will be the main focus, but as per the plan I've worked out, all the draconimorph clades will get their time in the spotlight, and be joined by several new, extinct groups.

I'm also hoping to finally get some time to showcase other well-known mythical creatures, but until then, Happy new year folks!

Draconology: The Draconimorpha
World of Draconology
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© 2021 - 2025 VikasRao
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