Warrior ScholarViergacht on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/viergacht/art/Warrior-Scholar-494254028Viergacht

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

November 22, 2014
Warrior Scholar by Viergacht brings to light the important values of detail in all the right places for any traditional piece. No matter how complex or simple it may seem, Warrior Scholar really nails all those concepts. A coy, intriguing character sitting upon a throne of knowledge let's the viewer really get engaged and pulled in! Beautiful work.
Featured by KovoWolf
Viergacht's avatar

Warrior Scholar



A commission piece I recently finished, jazzed up with a colored backdrop. He reminds me a bit of Painter from John Crowley's Beasts, although Painter was supposed to be more human-looking. 

I couldn't find a decent reference for the pose I had in mind, so my wonderful Piet posed for me ("Pretend you're a sexy lion," I told him, man alive what he puts up from me!) and since a smouldering expression is pretty much the same as a smug one, Oscar Wildecat inspired the face as he has a built-in smug expression - one of his nicknames is Smugosaurus rex - I even gave him Oscar's distinctive little nose scar. 

Whoa, a DD?!? That really made my day. The commissioner was a real sweetheart and this was a fun picture to work on once I stopped pulling my hair out about the pose. 

Commission info: Commissions by Viergacht
Image size
918x1280px 1.94 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Viergacht
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That look on his face makes him look like trouble. And what is he reading? Maybe I shouldn't ask that. I'm going to fave this O.K. Handsome work.