Winter WonderlandViennaFarms on DeviantArt

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Winter Wonderland



:new: 1st place! :la: Results

Name: Khaki's Bad Dilemma
Handler: Judith Harrison
Class: Halter/ In hand
Show: SVI Schooling Show - November

Previous: New Girl In Town by ViennaFarms

"So, tell me again why this show isn't cancelled?" Cadence asked, cautiously peeking out the barn door only to find that the visibility was minimal due to the snow storm outside. She flinched back inside as a gust of cold wind blew right into her face.

"I don't know, really. Something about them not being able to refund everyone who entered and came all this way with their horses?" Judith replied, grabbing a bridle and slipping it over Kandi's head. Cadence had agreed to meet Judith in Minnesota in order to meet the filly for the first time. It was part of the process of Judith accepting the offer Cadence had put in on the filly. She wanted to make sure one of her beloved foals had a good home.

"Either way, its fine with me. Kandi likes snow." The large cream colored mare tossed her head up gently as if in agreement. 

"But to still have the in hand classes outside?" Cadence questioned her further, pulling her jacket tighter around herself. Judith laughed as Kandi pranced on the lead beside her. 

The mare apparently gets really excited about snow.

Cadence led the mare up and down the barn isle so that Judith could run to the trailer and change, and she knew very well that Judith bridled her first on purpose so that Cadence could get some one on one time with the mare. So far, so good. Kandi had shoved her large head into Cadence's arms, gently snuffling around for treats.

Judith emerged dressed for her class, walking over and taking the mare back, and led them outside to the show ring.

Kandi stood like a perfectly well behaved horse, despite the couple of times she slipped her tongue out to lick up the snow that had accumulated on her nose. 

Once the class was over, Judith let Cadence walk Kandi around some more. The mare was absolutely enthralled with the weather. She shoved her nose on every snow covered surface she went by, playfully swinging her hooves up as she pranced. She kicked snow up with every step, hitting the other horses as they went by. None of them were very amused.

Judith watched from the doorway of the barn, now back in her regular clothing. She had been debating whether or not she wanted to enter Kandi in an under saddle class, and hadn't made up her mind yet.

She approached the snow-covered duo outside the show ring, placing a hand on Cadence's shoulder. "I've decided to accept your offer." she grinned down at Cadence, who beamed up at her uncontrollably. Cady flung her arms around Judith, slurring out emotional thank-yous as Kandi thrust her head down to lap up the snow.

Cadence spent the next hour gleaming, leading Kandi around and letting her soak up as much snow covered love as the mare desired. She usually detested the cold weather, but for once in her life she was loving it. She couldn't help to think to herself as she enjoyed her new mare that is was the best snow storm ever.
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