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We need Blocktube for deviantart
94 Watchers322 Deviations



Fixing Starcraft gameplay

WIP Starcraft.Overview:>light vehicle crush light inf (xept raptorling)>heavy vehicle/large unit crushes heavy inf n light vehicle.>heavy inf n large takes half dmg from fire.>heavy vehicle is immune to fire.>armor reduces dmg by fixed amount. There is No min dmg taken.>Large units leave Shells. Neutral structures that lose hp over time. Owner of the vehicle/zerg can select this neutral Shell n pay 80% of the unit's price to revive it with half hp in 30 secs!Shells have 1/4 hp of orginal. Spaceships.< super weapons, only their shadow is visible, only hit by anti-orbital, low cost n durability as they retreat to space after taking little dmg, etc. To writr later Human. Their heavy vehicles leave shells. Powers:>Sattelite scan. Hq. Reveals area.>shelling. Hq. Shells area.>Dropshot. Trained elites are stored in an upgraded HQ, and can be dropped from space anywhere you want. Stores 6.>supply drop. Hq. Regen, repair n atk speed buff in area, 1minute duration, 2minutes cd.>Air select.


322 deviations
Improving Warhammer Fantasy CYOA


25 deviations
embarrassed Catgirl

manga and such

15 deviations


10 deviations
Gla Toxin Tractor

war,vehicles and such

14 deviations


32 deviations


22 deviations


38 deviations


17 deviations
booping Chrysalis' nose


30 deviations
Hater Face Sketch

lord hater and commander peepers

7 deviations
Adorable Elise Sketch

Dan VS.

7 deviations
Zoe Trent

Littlest Pet Shop

6 deviations
Iq graphic happiness

digital and screenshot

23 deviations
origami butterfly.

crafts and cosplay

4 deviations

Space Opera CYOA remake WIP

Space Opera CYOA remake Renamed Void Opera CYOA *many words are supposed to be red or blue, to indicate if something is Law Enforcement relate or Illegal/criminal, but deviantart has no option to color. Huh, I swear we used to be able to format not 10 years ago... A natural disaster destroyed this portion of the galaxy. Hundreads of planets and billions of lives, including your planet and most of your family, gone. You are on urban space station brunt-maxis, as a refugee you will recieve some aid but within 2 years you will be on your own. You recieved 6.000cr in inheritance. CAREER/TRAINING Pick 2. Can pay 1000cr for a 3rd career. Can't recruit Lawful companions if your career or items are Criminal! >Linguistics and Diplomacy Required to get alien companions, general knowledge of cultures. You are better at persuading and swindling (AKA more charisma). +250cr. >Entertainer Dancer, singer, actress, athlete, artist, etc. People like you more. With any other charisma


53 deviations