
Remaking DnD WIP

Deviation Actions

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<copy AC, basic actions n attribute changes to here

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Regarding move silently/hide. Its your skill rank +jack and warlock level -armor rank vs target Senses +its level +1d20.
>all classes have access to skill Discipline (+concentration n will resist) and investigate (used for RP, also detect traps).

Bloodlines: pick, at most, 1.
Highborn: +1 all attributes. Thats it. You are welbred, with all the looks, eloquence and attributes the wellbred have.

Sorc: pick 10 arcane spells. Your spell points are equal twice your level. Your level must be twice the spell cost to cast it.
Also pick 5 cantrips, you can cast em twice your level per day.

Tiefling: changes your looks. Hot, but people dont trust you.
+5 fire, acid n frost resist. Claws (+natural atk, +climbing). Prehensible tail. 1 or 2 weak powers based on a demon.

Lycan: regen 1. When hp reaches 0, fully heal into a werewolf. It attacks whoever is closest, if no foes starts eating and returns to normal in 20 minutes. If crinos has 0 hp, you go back to normal. Crinos has +2con, str, dex, -3int wis char, +1regen n +1atk.
Every 2 levels pick a trait:
>transform at will during combat, +20% temp hitpoints if you do.
>crinos runs on all 4s. +jumping n move speed.
>+1regen, +3dmg resist. Double in crinos form.
>every turn 50% to actually control yourself.
>crinos gain x2 smell range and wont attack friends and family you are often with, but it loses 1atk n 1regen.

Dragonborn: greatly changes your look. You have warm blood n scales. +2nat armor, +10 fire n frost resist, -5 eletricity resist. You have an armored tail and possibly wings, can fly clumsily if yes but also lose nat armor n -5 to hide.
At level 5 gain a breat weapon, costs 1 stamina to use. You can use a cantrip version (not magic, purely biological) version of your breath weapon.

Legendary: legacy weapon, blessed by gods.
Your bloodline is know to create individuals great and terrible.
+3 to saves. +3 vs fear. A weapon that been in your family for generations, when wielded by a hero of the family or a hero whom someone in the family gave the weapow to, is a Legacy weapon. As example, see Roy Greenhilt.
Legacy weapon have special abilities, from +dmg n hardness to healing in combat and returning to your hand. You unlock 1 at level 2 and another every 3 levels. Powerful functionalities cost stamina or will to use (see Soldier).
>Instead of a Hero, an evil individual may instead be an Overlord and adquire the Evil Presence Spell, which compels the weak willed to obey and serve as long as they fear the Overlord. It can be used infinitely outside combat.
During combat, can be used once per non-caster level to cause extreme pain at 4m range, dazing the target and possibly interrupting actions. On a crit, also dispel all buffs.

*psionic: psionic races, and only them, can have this. Its usually enforced, as something the whole race has.
You got Psion points equal your level n regain all every hour.
Basic TK cost 1, strong tk 3, force shield is toggled and abosorves 10 dmg per point, sleep is 2 per target HD, etc.

Basic classes: novices should start with Rangers.
Ranger: manhunter, barbarian, explorer, beastmaster.
Fantasy worlds are warptouch deathworlds. Imagine how badass you need to be to live in the wilds there!
CHAOTIC only. Then harsh men live in the woods precisely because they hate shitvilization.
Skills are survival, climb/swim (+move n stamina), traps (craft, disarm, spot), herbalism, cooking, tracking, fighting (+1BAB).
>Beast masters tame magical beasts, manhunters work with enslavers, explorers learn of new places and guide people, you know the barbarian.
>req high con n dex, martial or exotic feat, high survival skill.

Jack. Herald, agent, assassin, thug.
All got poison and sneak atk.
Herald (bard) got unique spells n mechanic.
Agents use diguise, interrogate, kidnap and discern lies.
Assassins sneak and kill, great at climbing n hiding.
Thugs lie but always know someone who knows someone with intel or who can buy stolen goods.
Skills are not limited, pick ranks in whatever youdlike.
>req high charisma.

Wizard. Pick up to 2 obssessions, those unlock strong spells and passively improve weaker ones - specific to each spell.
Skills are herbalism, cooking, move silently, hide, spellcraft (allows enchanting and creation of magic items).
>must prepare spells, following some nonsensical logic about number of spell levels a day or something.
LAWNFUL EVIL or CHAOTIC ANY, wizards are always insa... eccentric, dont expect them to follow laws. And about 10 years older than other party members also.

Soldier. Most feat options. Versatile fighters who value team work. Many of their stronger abilities use Stamina or Willpower. Stamina recovers every fight, will only after a long rest or important event - like discovering something is at stake. LAWNFUL ONLY, disciplined fellows.
Skills are climbing/swiming, leadership (+hireling limit n -cost), survival, running (+sprint move n stamina), fighting.

Cleric: spells depend on domains, which depend on god.
Most cleric spells have good n evil versions. Ceric spells (but not cantrips) are powerful but costly, and clerics cant cast many. Divine spells are better know as Miracles.
There are no Neutral gods, only good or evil.
Each god has domains, each domains has cantrips and 2 versions, good n evil, of the spells in the domain.
>uses devotion points. Spell cost = spell level. Must be twice spell level to cast it.
Skills are leadership, cooking, armorer, hearbalism, spellcraft.

Warlock: your arcane spells are cast like you are a cleric, for they come from your dark patron. You serve a demon lord, hell lord, or beholder. You answer to a nefarious demon, bone devil, or another agent who will monitor your progress.
The spells you have depend on your patron, cast using Wis.
You dont spend much time studing on praying, your boss requires results. With means and guts, you can learn feats of any class as long as you have the requiriments.
Can and must cast scry once a day, to show you your objective. At class level 10+ you age at 1/4 pace.
At character level 6 you get an imp "advisor". The DM controls this character, who gains levels in Jack and will only help you so you trust him, so he can use you for his own boss' plans. When you gain blackguard or shadowmancer levels, they also count as Warlock levels.
>You are skilled at getting converting fools into cultists, your whole level progression is that and fiend/shade summoning.
>skills are hide, move silently, gather intel, bluff, leadership.
No exclusive feats. If your patron abandons you, you die instantly and your soul is forfeit, so play nice.
>any non-good. This is usually an NPC class tho...
This class greatly relies on having a good DM to even exist, let alone function.

*Arcanist. Psionic races need not be mad wizards, they can use their mind in ways that emulate the fabled Sorcerers.
In practice, they ARE sorcerers. No need to prepare spells.
No magic hands tho. Any skills.
>Can learn new spells if taught by a Wizard. Wizards hate both Arcanists and Sorcs.

Prestige classes:
Paladin. A champion not of a god but of a cause. The selfless paladin serves all but works for none.
Good gods care not who you worship, if you are good that is good enough for them. Paladins are supposed to be impartial always and zealous never, they arent clerics, and thats another reason they are powered by multiple gods despite never asking.
Skills are leadership, gather intel, discern lies, fighting, armorer.
>pick an Oath at paladin lv1 to determine spells n passives.
>Must be lawnful good. The biased Clerics cant be paladins.
>req martial weapon feat, a minimun wis, con, will and fortitude save.

Blackguard: a champion for hire. The Evil blackguards serves only himself but will work for anyone.
His spells depend entirely of who he is currently serving (a god/archpriest, a beholder, demonlord, etc).
Cast spells as divine.
Skills are move silently, hide, bluff, traps, tracking.
>Must be evil and actually be hired by said patron.
>req heavy armor, move silently, use poison. Clerics are too devoted to be blackguards, in most cases.

Shadowmancer: working for about the same people as the blackguard (they must have domain Shadow), but far more loyal. Most commonly, they serve beholders and high hags.
Curses n undead are included here. Skills are any.
Cast as arcane.
>no requiriments but a patron, whom supplies the power. No patron no spells or passives.

Arcane archer: what it says on the thin.
Deliver emwizard spells by arrow/bolt, spell lvl = archer lvl.
You need to actually be able to cast those. You cast em on specific arrows, the spell is stored tor 1 day. 2 days at level 3, 3 days at level 5, etc.
At level 2, 4, etc gain one of the following: (x2 level/day each, can use multiple different ones in same atk)
Homming arrows ignore targets in the way, seeking arrows add 10BAB, explosive arrows doubles arrow dmg or remove arrow dmg (in case you want to heal an ally), stored arrow in pocket dimension and summon in your hand, bright arrow doubles the arrow dmg but the extra dmg is arcane dmg.
Skills are spellcraft, fighting, leadership, tracking.
>req: a range weapon spec, 2 levels in wizard.

Pale Master: a black mage in style, a necromancer is all ways.
Pale masters deal in souls, and create undead via curses. Either dealing punishiment in his deity's name, or for his own nefarious or exalted ends. Either way, no one likes when undead are created or people, even evil ones, are cursed.
>Curses are the core component of reanimations, and determine the kind of undead you get. Skills are any.
Note Shadownmancers and Blackguards can also curse.
>A curse lasts as long as the spell slot/devotion points are still empty, or until they are fulfilled or dispelled. An undead lasts until its destroyed, and stays under your control as long as you have the devotion points/spell slot used to create it.
>At level 15 pale master, you can build a phylactery. (Max PC level is 15 total, but max NPC level per class is 30 so thats 2 phylacteties)
>req: lv5 cleric or arcanist for PCs. Lvl10 anything if NPC.
Said NPCs are usually evil n make cults worshipping them.

Carnagemage: aka blood mage, corpse mage, praesi mage.
Require half a (medium) corpse worth of blood nearby to cast anything. Ritual sacrife is needed to store spells on your person. Very limited magic/lay on hands equivalent.
Terrible prices, but oh so great merchandise!
Any skills.
>req character level 5 and arcane spellcaster or have had a conversation with an outsider or bloodmage.
> Good types probably dont like this, or at least wont sacrifice the living, not even enemies.

Eldritch Knight: its all about 2 things, casting in heavy armor and turning magic missiles into a sword.
Counts as arcanist n wizard lvls for spell casting purposes.
Skills are spellcraft, armorer, fighting, leadership.
Lv1 magic sword does dmg equal your magic missiles and can be of any shape n no feat required, 10% arcane spell failure reduction, +2 BAB. Since the sword appears n dissapears instantly, you can cast as normal.
Lv2 25% reduction, add this class' level as 1d4 dmg to sword. Lv3 50% reduction. Lv4 arcane dmg resist 10, +2saves.
Lv5 permanent mage armor, +2saves.
Lvl6+ +5% arcane failure reduction n +1saves.
>exclusive feats: meele casting (concentration bonus, use weapon for touch spells), eldritch casting (cant be interrupted), lighten armor (reduces penalities of heavy armor by half rounded up), magic sword magic (magic sword dmg applied to normal one you using), cut magic (atks always interrupt casting, if target has Eldritch casting feat you guys roll as normal).
>req soldier or ranger and wizard or arcanist, combining into 5 levels. No attribute bellow 7.

NPC classes:
Druid. Nature is EVIL. Urbanite scum thinks nature is a collection of trees. Nature is to devour and rape and enslave. Nature is to exploit others so you can continue in some way.
All druids are part of a Kingdom (forget circles).
>kingdoms: plantae, fungi, animalia (shapechange), disaster(elementalist), plastic(concrete, polution, eletronics).
Plastic ones are usually neutral, all others are evil.
Ironically the Fairies, the anthro ones, are all (chaotic) good and really hate druids besides the plastic ones.
Plastic ones are really found of trash golems.
>chaotic druids work alone and dont hate outsiders as much. Neutral ones are servile n accept they are tools of the stronger. Lawnful operate in packs, often ally chaotic n subjugate neutral druids.

Priest: holds powerful miracles, but none for combat save specialuzed ones against fiends or undead. You come to them to break curses or ressurect allies. Power comes from a god, like cleric. No need to prepare spells.

Crusader: a mix of soldier and paladin with no healing save the one via spite and hatred of evil. Always GOOD, but can always be misled. Prestige class!

Commoner, Noble: not classes, just templates.
Militia and guards are usually soldiers. Merchants could very well be jacks.
>Fairy. Antrho furries n scalies, always brightly colored, cheerful n with big boobs. Playful but kind. Despite iften interzcting with mortals, almost nothing is know about them save that purified metal burns them on touch.
Chaotic or neutral good. Always friendly.
"Well, you Could say this planet is a Magical Realm..."
>fimir. Bogdevils, demonfairies, mudpixie. Reproduce by putting mud, reed n bones in a vague shape, performing a live sacrifice, cacking it in blood and putting the still beating heart inside the construct. Alien, mysterious n primal.
Chaotic or neutral evil. Always hostile.
"Sleep-cripple mortals, need heart for kin, kill-kill rest!"
>>winter n summer court. Lawnful evil n good. They act like characters in a story and are forced to follow trooes and cliche, no matter what. Been in a pointless war since forever.
Winter has frost, water, temptation, hunger n unicorns.
Summer has wings, excess, warmth, fire n war.
Mortal: "You will.. never... get away with it?" The raiding fey stopped mid swing, comming centimeters to end me, its serious face twisted into a smile and it forced itself to say "oh, but I already have" as it promply retreated on its unicorn without taking its prize.
>gnomes. At least partially fey, since they are made of flesh and can age and all that. Annoying cheerily things, keep creating pointless contraptions even when told to stop.
Such contraptions are magic more than reason, cant be reverse engineered, and often stop working in the most comical timming. Gnomes are weird and quite similar to Fairies in general. Any Neutral.
"Need a new wife? We can build one!" "With a huge dick!"
>chyter. Most certainly fey in origin, but thats all we know. Those insectoids are everywhere and adpt to anything.
I dont think aligment applies to those bugs...
>there are many critters and magical beasts that are feys, even if they are very much flesh and mortal. Being animals, and thus part of nature, they tend to lawnful Evil.

Fiends: all got fire, frost, acid n poison resist.
Demons: when they kill someone with their own claws, they automatically eat their soul and thus grown stronger. To ressurect said soul, you gotta kill that demon first. And within a year, else the souls is destroyed and fully absorved, then not even Wish can fix that.
With enough kills, a dretch can become demon lord...
Succubus, hordelings and dretchs are the most common demons, even if the hordelings are rarely standard.
>demons spawn from the very ground of the Abyss, or the malice in the air there impregnates a corpse. Most demons can reproduce, the offspring can mutate and the mutts are even more twisted than normal mutts. Chaotic evil.

Devils: neutral n evil souls flow tru River Styx. It starts in heaven, flows tru the Abyss, and ends in here. Neutral souls are eaten, by devils or Hell itself, while evil ones are turned into Lamenters(formely Lemures).
Lamenters who show any sign of sapience are promoted, and then the real work begins... there is always a lesson a devil must learn so its superior can promote it.
>devils respawn if killed outside hell, and in hell they are stronger. Demons are always trying to break in hell to steal souls, this defensive war is called Blood Wars. Devils often send kill teams after worrisome rising demonlords.
>there are no fallen angels. Angels are incorruptible, else they wouldnt be angels you dumbass.
As far as anyone knows, there is no supreme leader in this corporation that is Hell. Lawnful evil.
T0 Hell Golem (decoration, this is a long lasting punishment for disobedience n impatience, fully sapient but can only do what they are told, cannotleave hell). Hell dragon (demoted from chain devils, mounts for t4 n t5, will never be promoted.
*must learn obedience and to temper ambition
T1 Lamenters(corporate drones, laborers)> hell drone(ant-like, sweatshop slaves, used in place of machines) >nightmare(animals, warbeasts, mounts)
*must show sufficient sapience> must show creativity> while used as a mount, must show iniciative.
T2 spine devil(scouts, fire support)>legion devil(soldiers)> barbed devil(skirmishers, mercs for devils n non-devils alike, often mounted on nightmares which they must break).
*must learn team work> individuality> diplomacy, aka learn to work with enemies.
T3 imps > temptress (send to tempt mortals into becoming evil n carry out ploys), chain devil (torturer n tortured, T4+ are often demoted into this as punishment until they atone).
*must learn about humility, honesty, omission and quotas.
T4 bone devils (taskmasters, supervisors), horned devils (elite fighter, hell lords are usually demoted into this).
*must learn their many fuctions and places.
T5 hell knight (enforcer, hunts rebels, the nightmares are both horses and warhounds), hell lord (overseer, has traits of both bone n horned devils).
T6 unknow, supposedly Dukes of Hell.

>T2+ Devils can summon a number of Lamenters equal their rank, a number of times a day equal their rank.
IE bone devil can summon 4 Lamenters 4 times a day.
Also, once per day, 2 devils 2 tiers bellow, that arent T0.
IE bone devil can summon 2 nightmares. Or hell lord summons 2 chain devils who each summon 2 spine devils.
Lastly, they can attempt to summon their boss. He arrives in a minute, if he indeed deigns to show up at all. Once a week.
Be careful when you cast planar bind...

>PCs can only have 15 levels total, and up to 3 classes. For NPCs max level for Each class is 30. Devils are NPCs, but are not limited to 3 classes! They do not benefit from their levels  in the Lamenter, drone, Chain, Golem n dragon forms, but recover half rounded up when promoted to another form.
>devils cant be clerics. Only T4+ devils can take prestige classes. T5+ devils can be arcanist despite not being psionic.
Devils of the kind who can gain levels, must gain at least 5 to be promoted!

Hell golem are powerful, indestructible and spiky. They can only move in order to obey simple instructions - a fitting punishment for disobedience. Only T4+ can order.
Lamenters are small n have 6 regen, usually its 1 per tier.
They dont fight in the blood wars as demons often just up and eat them. They dont respawn when this happens, and since thedemin ate a soul it grows stronger.
Hell drones are tiny, about half a meter. Lamenters and drones cannot be demoted, but they can be killed.
Nightmares are black and with an smokey aura, helping with dodging n intimidation. They often look like a mix of zebra, boar, lion and hypopotamus, and behave as such.
Chain devils can be further demoted into hell dragons, which serve as mounts to T4 n 5 devils. The shape of a dragon mixed with a nightmare, with skin like a hell golem, they cant speak n lose all their class levels.
Legion devils have levels in Soldier, Barbed Rangers(any).
Imps cast magic as if they had the Sorcerer Bloodline, an ability they keep as they are promoted. They take levels in Wizard or Jack, which they learn from their masters/targets.
Temptresses always have levels in Jack, which are required for their jobs. Can cast as if Sorc bloodline, like imp, plust their many magical abilitues. Those shapeshifters have no true form and are incapable of love, kinda like women.
A bone devils class levels are probably 5soldier, 5ranger(any), 0-5 wizard, 5-10 jack(spy). He will probably gain 5 more levels in any class (except cleric n paladin) and be promoted into a horned devil, then gain 5 in probably blackguard or ranger and become a T5.
Hell knights can summon 1d4 nightmares ever other turn, as bonus action. They almost always ride hell dragons. They will most likely get levels in Arcanist, Blackguard or Ranger.
Hell knights enjoy a lot of free time, which they often use to help in the Blood Wars or sell their service as messagers.
Hell Lords usually put levels in wizard, shadowmancer or jack(spy). When promoted into this for the first time, they get a single Wish.

Important information:
>fear of true death is built in devils, it is an instinct they cannot subvert. Thankfully Hell is like a big Phylactery, provided you die Away from it...
>A devils corpse, outside hell, is instantly sent back home.
A devil eating another In hell is like a demon eating a soul, but they gotta be fast or the corpse is absorved by Hell itself.
>if killed outside hell, it takes 101 days for them to reform. They may or may not be punished during and after this already painful and humilating process.
>promotion takes 13 days, starting as they arrive in T3 it is a cerimony that makes the devil proud of its achievements. There is no cerimony if they returned from demotion.
>devils have perfect memory with infinite storage, and sonehow always who is who regardless of their rank (devils rank determines their form).
Their coin are both souls and Honor, the latter is like credits and each individual tallies for each individual they met.
>merits are an achievement not expected from a Devil, they are often made know to all and traded for something, often legendary gear if authorized by the mysterious T6 and above.
A hell knight could recieve incredibly power, enchanted full plate with an exo skeleton built in. A barbed devil could recieve a broken Hell Dragon. A Lamenter would recieve many privilegues as to rise quickly and safely. A hell dragon or golem would escape its debased punishment and be promoted into a Lamenter.

This is really just a backup for the myriad of annotations i got in me phone.

© 2024 - 2025 VictorReisSobreira
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