Fixing English
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Its anarchy of a language. Literally no rules besides verb to-be, which isnt even a rule but something you memorize, just like every single word and their variations!
Why W and OO if you can just say U?
Why use Y here but I or EE there?
Why write the H or LL if it has literally no purpose?
Because fuck you, peasant! Shut up and obey the law! Anarcho-tyranism comes to mind. Call me a memer but of course the white language is gonna have the white creed of just obeying and never rebelling.
This is a WiP but Without further ado, heres how to fix english. I baptize this language Glix.
Its all based around one Logic: write as you read.
The unusual thing, that may break this logic, is this one Rule: Y (epsolon) sounds "Ay", I sounds "ee" (like in pee).
I (the english word, meaning Me) = Y
The logic reduces the alphabet:
*needless to say, a letter's name is how its pronoced, with the sole exception of Y.
Letter X remamed "sh"
Letter I renamed "ih"
Ch and Sh = x Ph = f Oo = u
W removed, just use U
Th removed, just use T
There is no C. Use K instead.
Double letters, like in "ill" or "will", removed. This isnt spanish.
If Te isnt pronounced, just write t
Present verb Ing changed into In
Most words that end in Y now end in I, unless you actually read "ai".
IE: Y hate tose uortles xanges. Les leters to urite makes it more eficient and les confusing, Y tink. (I hate those worthless changes. Less leterds to write makes it more efficient and less confusing. I think)
Wel, mor xitxat! Start testin! Read wat yu urite to make xure it sounds hau iu write.
Insaniti, to simplify an alreadi simplistic language as englix, isant?
Word changes:
Simple is read simpel, tus its uriten so.
Straight = strait
Stray = strei
Terrific = terific
Terrifying = terifyin
Steel = steu
Steal = steal
Still = stil <atention to tis. L(space) pronounces "u"
Strong = strong
Stork delivery = stork deliveri
Extort the sucker = ekstort te suker
Excruxiating = ekscruxiatin
Dead hard killer= ded hard kiler
More stupid midwits= mor stupid mid-uits
Three Trees = tri tris
Literally Me = literali mi
My brother is a chronically online homophobe = my broter is a cronicali online homofobe
Menace to society = meneze to sosyeti
Sociable motherfucker = sosiable moterfuker
While = uyle
Poser = pozer
Possess = poses
You chud incel = iu xud insel ('member, no more C)
Wish on a star = uix on a star
Plain = plaim ? Note to self, when does a word ends with M or N?
Specific cases/words: (this is the real WiP part)
Witch brewing potions = uitx breuin potions
Which one mate? = uitx one maite
Power = pauer
Little = liteu
Your = ior
Butt = ass
Now = nao
Isnt = isant
Less = les? Lés? Just say Minus/lower. (Word "Less" does not exist, use other words instead)
Playing = pleyin
Power = pauer
Two = txu
Too much = tu mutx
Me too = same
To do something = to du someting
Erotic = erótik (notice the acent, its optional to write).
Matter (importance) = meter
Matter (substance) = mater
earth = ert
Planet Earth = Planet Terra
Melee = melay
"Lut tat ded xild's bodi uyle ym pleyin my flute!" Said evri bard in DnD at some point.
Te pauer to destroi is te onli one tat meters.
Munman kant yu si, spiks n nigers nid to hang from tris. N i just love ior raicist ways.
Fluterxy lyks klubin spyk. Friendxip is uitxkraft.
Xenobiolojists on Terra be lyke "ok, not here".
Japanize businesman: "Xild pusi cuni aaahhh so erohtik lóli bum 😭😭😭"
Ui live in a Sosyeti BOTOM TEKST